• Phone: + (254) 711 580815
  • Email: info@redeemandclaimgreen.org

We are on a mission to forge communities living in
ASAL areas more resilient and self-reliant.

Redeem and Reclaim Green Organization:.

We are on a mission to forge communities living in
ASAL areas more resilient and self-reliant.

Redeem and Reclaim Green Organization:.

RRG is a non-governmental and not for profit Organization that focuses on redeeming and reclaim the barren lands in arid, semi-arid and deserts areas into useful arable lands to reduce desertification and promote food security. The organization is legally registered under section 10 of Non-Governmental Organizations Co-ordination Act by the NGO Registration board, Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government with registration Certificate No. OP.218/051/22-471/12999. Being a national organization, it implements its projects in the whole country and currently it is based in the larger Turkana County. The RRG’s Executive Director is a licensed Nutritionist (Bsc. in Food Nutrition and Dietetics) and coordinates the operations of the Organization supported by a team of qualified, competent and highly motivated professionals with a goal to support and manage community-based programs.
RRG Thematic Areas

Our thematic areas include and not limited to:

1. Climate change management and adaptations:

Climate Change has increasingly led to desertification and droughts among others. This has greatly forced many species to relocate or become extinct. We therefore, advocate environmental conservation by protecting and restoring forests and critical ecosystems. This will include: afforestation, transitioning to renewable energy sources/solar energy, practice climate friendly gardening and adopting regenerative agricultural practices.

2. Disaster management and preparedness :

We educate affected communities to make suitable plans and strategies to deal with droughts and famine. These include cultural practices and techniques for conservation agriculture, water harvesting and reservation.

3. Eradication of invasive plant species especially Prosopis Juliflora :

Prosopis Juliflora is the worst weed that is aggressively displacing native tree species. Its negative effects include threat to agriculture and rangeland productivity, depletes water supplies and displaces native plants and animals and form thorny thickets casing inaccessible. RRG advocate for its eradication and replace it with native and food plants.

4. Afforestation:

Trees help mitigate climate change by removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and releasing oxygen. This is the reason why afforestation and protection of forests in any form shall ever remain an ecofriendly activity.

5. Access, provision, management and water conservation:

Encourage Water Harvesting, Water Reservation and conservation. This would facilitate the availability of water for domestic, industrial, and irrigation needs.

6. Provision of livelihoods assistance to enhance resilience:

To offer the needful assistance during emergencies to the vulnerable groups in the community such as children, pregnant and lactating women, the old and the disabled because we have compassion and empathy towards humanity.

7. Promotion of sustainable agriculture:

To emphasize on sustainable agriculture practices such as organic farming, crop rotation, agroforestry, food plant farming and water management..


To redeem and reclaim the barren lands in arid, semi-arid areas and deserts into useful arable lands to reduce desertification and promote food security..


To build resilience and sustainability in arid, semi-arid and desert communities through promotion of environmental conservation, health, food security and access to water as a strategy to alleviate poverty, disease, hunger, water shortage and conflicts.

Core Values

1. Impartiality:

It will at all times strive for equal opportunity for all in implementing internal processes, interaction with stakeholders and the target communities by upholding the highest standards of professionalism.

2. Integrity and professionalism:

It shall conduct its operations in a transparent, honest and accountable manner because our dedication is doing what is right and just.

3. Team work:

It shall always seek to collaborate with staff, partners, stakeholders and target communities for the purpose of creating local solutions and long term sustainability in achieving common objectives.

4. Accountability:

It shall hold itself responsible for any action or inaction emanating from and in. the course of its operations.

5. Environmental stewardship:

It will always strive to work with other partners in protection and conservation of the environment especially in redeeming and reclaiming arid, semi- arid and desert lands.

6. Good Samaritans:

Amid its mission and vision, it shall protect and offer the needful assistance during emergencies to the vulnerable groups because we have compassion and empathy towards humanity..

About Redeem and Reclaim Green (RRG) Organization

Being a national organization, it implements its projects in the whole country and currently it is based in the larger Turkana County. The RRG’s Executive Director is a licensed Nutritionist (Bsc. in Food Nutrition and Dietetics) and coordinates the operations of the Organization supported by a team of qualified, competent and highly motivated professionals with a goal to support and manage community-based programs.

RRG is a non-governmental and not for profit Organization that focuses on redeeming and reclaim the barren lands in arid, semi-arid and deserts areas into useful arable lands to reduce desertification and promote food security. The organization is legally registered under section 10 of Non-Governmental Organizations Co-ordination Act by the NGO Registration board, Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government with registration Certificate No. OP.218/051/22-471/12999.


About US
The Board of Directors

Mr. Adupu Ekidor

Director & Executive CEO

Mr. James Ewoton

Director & Head of Human Resource / Interns

Management Team

Mrs. Everlyne Topos

Projects Manager

Mr. Simon Nayanae

Monitoring & Evaluation Officer(M&E),

What Our Support Team say

Our Expert Volunteers always ready

Mr. Simon Emekwi


Rebecca Aukot


Betty Anne


Anne Akim


Robart Aukot


Lets Chenge The World With Humanity

Mr. Adupu Ekidor,

Director & Executive CEO

“The Invasive plant Juliflora also known in Kenya by the local Dialect as 'Mathenge' and 'etirai / epithamen' in Turkana Dialect! Has has severe Enviromental and social impact to the norther and semi arid parts of Kenya especailly Turkana.”

Mr. Adupu Ekidor,

Director & Executive CEO

“The Invasive plant Juliflora also known in Kenya by the local Dialect as 'Mathenge' and 'etirai / epithamen' in Turkana Dialect! Has has severe Enviromental and social impact to the norther and semi arid parts of Kenya especailly Turkana.”

Mr. Adupu Ekidor,

Director & Executive CEO

“The Invasive plant Juliflora also known in Kenya by the local Dialect as 'Mathenge and 'etirai / epithamen' in Turkana Dialect"! Has had severe Enviromental and social impact to the norther and semi arid parts of Kenya especailly Turkana.”


Our Strategic Partners in our Mission

Upcoming Partners


We Redeem & Reclaim Green Organization (R&RGO) always appreciate that helping hand

3,200 +


100 +

Fund Raised

256 +
