- Phone: + (254) 711 580815
- Email: info@redeemandclaimgreen.org
To redeem and reclaim the barren lands in arid, semi-arid areas and deserts into useful arable lands to reduce desertification and promote food security..
To build resilience and sustainability in arid, semi-arid and desert communities through promotion of environmental conservation, health, food security and access to water as a strategy to alleviate poverty, disease, hunger, water shortage and conflicts.
RRG is a non-governmental and not for profit Organization that focuses on redeeming and reclaim the barren lands in arid, semi-arid and deserts areas into useful arable lands to reduce desertification and promote food security. The organization is legally registered under section 10 of Non-Governmental Organizations Co-ordination Act by the NGO Registration board, Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government with registration Certificate No. OP.218/051/22-471/12999.
Raised: $9,000
Goal: $25,000
Director & Executive CEO
Director & Head of Human Resource / Interns
Projects Manager
Monitoring & Evaluation Officer(M&E),
ICT Head,
Director & Executive CEO
“The Invasive plant Juliflora also known in Kenya by the local Dialect as 'Mathenge' and 'etirai / epithamen' in Turkana Dialect! Has has severe Enviromental and social impact to the norther and semi arid parts of Kenya especailly Turkana.”
Director & Executive CEO
“The Invasive plant Juliflora also known in Kenya by the local Dialect as 'Mathenge' and 'etirai / epithamen' in Turkana Dialect! Has has severe Enviromental and social impact to the norther and semi arid parts of Kenya especailly Turkana.”
Director & Executive CEO
“The Invasive plant Juliflora also known in Kenya by the local Dialect as 'Mathenge and 'etirai / epithamen' in Turkana Dialect"! Has had severe Enviromental and social impact to the norther and semi arid parts of Kenya especailly Turkana.”
Fund Raised